BWAA Photo Contest Information

My photographer colleagues,
There is still time enough for all of you to begin looking over the boxing photos you shot in 2017 and cull some of those you consider your best for possible entry in the Boxing Writers Association of America photo contest.
As always, the contest chairman – that would be me – requests that you submit your entries in an expeditious manner. All the rules are the same as in the past: photos must have been shot in the 2017 calendar year; one entry per photographer in both the Action and Feature categories; please include info on who is in the photo and other pertinent information. If you choose to include for what publication or web site the photo was taken, you may include that, too, if your preference is to have the name of that publication or web site included on the award along with your name, should you be among the winners.
The expense of putting on the BWAA Awards Dinner, as you are no doubt aware, is considerable. Although a date and site for the 2017 dinner have yet to be set, BWAA president Joe Santoliquito again has requested that entering photographers include a nominal $15 fee, which helps defray the cost of awards and the honorariums paid to the judges. Entries can be emailed to The entry fee should be sent to the BWAA’s snail-mail address, which remains BWAA, P.O. Box 1082, Drexel Hill, PA 19026. Checks should be made payable to BWAA.
Please be aware that the BWAA, although a writers’ organization, is fully appreciative of the talent and hard work with which you do your jobs. Any boxing article, no matter how well written, is enhanced by a great photo, and conversely, a great photo is enhanced when it goes with a great article. It is a hand-in-hand relationship, which is why the photo contest was inaugurated a couple of years after the writing contest was launched. We all work toward the same end, which is a union of words and pictures that best illustrate any boxing event.
If there are photographers of your acquaintance that would be interested in entering the contest, please pass this information along. I am setting a deadline of Feb. 9 (extended from the original deadline of Feb. 2) as the deadline for the submission of entries. Winners should be announced in the following week to 10 days.
Good luck to each and every one of you, and I hope to see some of you at the dinner, whenever and wherever it is, although the time frame for staging the event usually runs from mid/late April to early June. Once all the details are finalized information on the dinner will be posted soon on the BWAA web site, at
—Bernard Fernandez, BWAA Awards Chairman